blue morning glory
Originally uploaded by nostalgist
from the navel of the world
So there is this moment in Augustine's Confessions when he watches Ambrose reading and is amazed because Ambrose is reading silently. This is something utterly new and critics have called it a crucial moment in the history of privacy and subjectivity etc. etc. Well Benjamin is there! He sat down and read this whole book to himself two days ago, and he didn't even move his lips and only needed help on names like "George Lancaster" (it's a British children's book called Pat and the Puzzle Parcels"). And now Lev has caught on to this and says "Watch me count inside my head" and stands there with this funny concentrating expression on his face as if he was performing some magic trick - which, after all, it is.
In Machaneh Yehuda. Happy Rosh Hashana - may your new year be as succulent, myriad and provocatively tart as a pomegranate!
There is construction, everywhere and always, and you can just wander onto the sites. This is right by Lev's daycare in the YMCA. There are also occasionally unclaimed fallow plots of land, desolate and abandoned. But if anybody could resolve who they belonged to, they'd be condo projects tomorrow.
Lev and Benjamin made sand castles but mostly body surfed with me and Jeremy and their friend Noa. We must have done it for hours. Benjamin said, "You could only have an adventure like this at the ocean!" Lev said, "The pool at my school does not look like this!"
We went to Netanya over the weekend. Oh, it was glorious. Lev almost fell asleep eating his ice cream.
Walking out of the tower of David museum, these dancers (German?) were doing a short routine on the old city walls for no audience. It's quite a drop on the other side of the wall.
I should have embedded a message in this before I photographed it - find your own.
Benjamin on the way home from school today, after a stop at the ice cream store and the library.
Lev fell asleep on the long walk home from daycare so I stopped in a cafe, sat in the courtyard, and drank iced coffee while he slept, first in the stroller and then on me.
This is in Mamilla graveyard - the strange, half-abandoned, semi-apocalyptic muslim graveyard on the edge of downtown.
Lev made a ramadan lamp in daycare today. He decided it was a glove for a superhero called "fireblaster". Here he is in character.
Lev played in the lion fountain in the park after daycare and got very wet.
The view out the window at night - if you stand on the bed and lean out over the clothesline.
I walked Lev home along the promenade - it was lovely but impractical, since at the end there are a lot of steps. He fell asleep on the way and I sat on a bench and read until he woke up. The promenade smells of thyme and oregano and is so quiet - all you hear is birdsong and occasional footsteps.
I didn't bring my camera to the YMCA this morning so I took this on my Mac. So far, the best cappuccino in the city.
I think Debbie named these the disco crocs, because they're silver. They smell but can be washed easily. When I took them off Lev last night he wrinkled up his face and said in a panic- I can smell my feet! He still has hardly any ankles.
This is Lev in the green tunnel in gan ha'paamon where we played superheroes after daycare in the blistering heat. I didn't manipulate the picture - the tunnel (and maybe the heat) turned him green.
And satisfy Jeremy's curiosity. It's quite small and grows on a vine. Any ideas? My favorite is still probably the bougainvillea, because the flowers look like leaves or butterflies and show through light like paper, and after those the very deep blue morning glories, but these are also lovely.
Benjamin tried capoeira at the community centre and loved it - here he is trying wheel pose. In Hebrew a cartwheel is a galgalit.
They released a squadron of balloons at Ben's school to celebrate the first day.
Lev is barely napping, but he was so tired the other day he fell asleep eating his snack. The picture was taken after I put him into bed.
The president of Israel came to Ben's school on the first day. There were a lot of these men in gray standing around with their very big guns. Ben said that the president was nice and very old.