Mary and child. And child.
Originally uploaded by nostalgist
We've been back in Montreal a few days and it's too late for a last post, but I felt like some kind of formal leave-taking was in order. Montreal feels drizzly and green and secular after Jerusalem. We're back in the strange and familiar weave of the everyday. Last week in Jerusalem I spent a day in the old city, wandering between The Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. At the Western Wall a woman beside me took out her cell phone. "Yonatan," she yelled into it. "Yonatan, I'm at the Western Wall, Pray, Yonatan, pray!" Then she held up the phone to the warm stone.
In Arabic class we learned a phrase, "tomorrow, in Apricot season," which means, roughly, that it's never going to happen, because apricot season is fleeting, and over before it really begins. Anyway, we left Israel near the end of apricot season, and it's true, I'd no sooner noticed apricots in the stores than they were already gone.
Goodbye, inconstant readers! I think I'm done with this particular form of electronic exhibitionism, at least for now, but I'll keep posting some pictures on Flickr. And some of you I'll finally get to see in person now...
And doesn't it look like a pool cue leaning up against the virgin mary's cheek?