J. Henry Fair photographs and M.
Originally uploaded by nostalgist
Menachem has been here for a little while, and when he hasn't been gallivanting - yes, gallivanting I say - we've had some time to hang out. We went to Museum on the Seam which is situated on the pre-1967 border between East Jerusalem, which was under Jordanian rule, and West Jerusalem, under Israeli governance. From 1948 to 1967 the area was no man's land, and this old Arab mansion was converted into an army base. The building bears the scars of its history still, bullet holes, a collapsed balcony, narrow windows shuttered in thick metal, but now it is a museum, with thematic and trendy-ish exhibitions. The current exhibition is called Nature/Nation and included this very uncanny and beautiful set of photographs of gorgeous industrial waste.
isn't it odd just how stunning destruction/disaster can be?
The pictures make me think of a Berenstein Bears book about pollution when the little girl bear tells her dad that the beautiful colours of the sunsets are actually caused by air pollution.
hey heather - my boys actually have that book, though I hate the Berenstein bears with a deep and abiding hatred...prigs.
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