lev strawberry
Originally uploaded by nostalgist
Strawberry season! We ate over a kilo yesterday, and I'm hoping to go back to the market for more. The strawberry merchants at the market have a song they sing to attract customers: Tut sadeh, tut sadeh, gam gadol vegam yafeh (strawberries, strawberries, large and lovely).
Other news: Jeremy had a birthday yesterday. We went to see a Scots antique dealer who claims to be descended from the khazars and has an incredible shop in meah shearim, heaps of second temple coins on the table, statues and vases everywhere. He showed us parchment that he claimed was from the Raibid (medieval Jewish scholar) and amuletic bowls and coins and fetishes. We walked into the old city, met a Bedouin who faked a Texan accent , and showed us the stairs up to the linked patchwork of the roofs of the old city (Jerusalem - divided in its people, united in its roofs). We went out for supper and walked home and then I watched the inaugural speech - so happy birthday Jeremy and happy Presidency Obama (for weeks Jer's been saying - I want a black president for my birthday.)
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